Dear Inner Critic. It’s Me, Josh.

I sit down to write and gotta get it out.


Before my inner critic makes an entrance to knock whichever topic I’m writing about.

What do you really know or have to say about this, Josh? There are people much more educated — experts in these types of these things.

I keep writing, with fervor.

Yet everything under the sun has been said.

I took a writing course years ago from Jeff Goins and this line from him stuck in my mind: Everything has been said, but it hasn’t been said by you.

That’s what makes it unique. That’s the spin that beckons my words, your words, to be introduced to the world.

It’s going to take time and practice — two key elements to achieving any goal in life.

What I envision is letting myself relax into the writing moment.

Deep breaths. Ease with my words. Let it flow.

Every day won’t be like that, but I’d like to have more days like that.

For now, I’ll write a letter to my inner critic.

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Dear inner critic —

I will be gentle with you.

Let’s work together. Help me focus where focus is needed. Help me write with clarity when my words get muddied. I’ll trust you in the ways you can help me.

But please don’t block or silence me. You have a role, as do I.

I appreciate the ways you’ve worked to keep me safe. I know I’ve been scared to put my work in the world, but I’ll be okay, even when I do. The truth is, I feel even less myself when I keep everything inside and to myself. Let me grow from taking criticism. Let me stand in the face of critique. Let me also experience the moments of gratitude and praise from others.

I know you have had and continue to have my interest at heart, even when I don’t always see it that way. So let’s team up together. Let’s collaborate and see what comes of it. On the plus side, you’ll get a break too. Are there other things you’d like to focus on? Are there different sides of you that don’t often come out because you’re so focused on protecting me?

Perhaps this is your chance as well to grow and show other sides of yourself. We can take this journey together, step-by-step, day-by-day, word-by-word.

Again, thank you for the ways you’ve been there for me. I’m ready to step forward. You can step forward with me too. Don’t worry, I won’t leave you behind.

With love and courage,



The Permission To Come Out And Play