Messages in the Mist

Lately, there’s been an inkling that the message I’m meant to share with the world is on the cusp. It’s just under that one corner of the rug.

I have this sense there’s a message I’m meant to share with others in this life, but it isn’t clear what that singular or multiple messages may be.

So I wait. Well, I’m not only waiting.

What do we do when the message isn’t clear? When it feels lodged in the mist, out of our reach?

That’s where I’m working from right, in even writing this post publicly.

Perhaps all we can do is follow the thread. Where is my heart leading? What books, people, events are coming into my life?

As an avid non-fiction reader, input is a way of life. There’s a seemingly endless hunger of curiosity within me. To know not only more, but how things connect, related, interact, and impact one another.

There’s a vast web of the Unseen that pulses through everything. Even scientists believe “68% of the universe is dark energy. Dark matter makes up about 27%. The rest - everything on Earth, everything ever observed with all of our instruments, all normal matter - adds up to less than 5% of the universe.”. And we have very little understanding of what this dark matter/energy is.

So I’m doing a few things right now as the messages wait in the mist:

  • Be patient: There’s no rush to “get to the bottom of it”. I’m trying to resist my Virgo-nature to get it all organized and in order. I’m leaning into waiting.

  • Go within: My knee-jerk reaction is to get a book on the topic I’m mulling over. This year has largely been a journey of quieting the outside resources to hear my inner wisdom. Tap into the inner wisdom that I’ve been equipped with since birth.

  • Do something: While I wait, while I go within, there’s still an element of movement that is a necessary ingredient. Stagnant water produces a stagnant environment. Even though I don’t know where this blog post is even headed, here I am. Writing. Inspired output.

I’m relinquishing the desire to know, in this moment, what the message is. While I wait for it to be revealed, I also go forth within and create what I can for the world.


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A Lush Dead Zone In the Heart of the Yucatan